Your Trustworthy Drilling Contractor in Williams Lake
in British Columbia
Are you looking for a drilling contractor in Williams Lake, British Columbia? At J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership, we can provide affordable and reliable groundwater drilling and exploration services. For over 25 years, we have been providing our residential and commercial clients with quality services in Williams Lake, BC. We are your trusted water well services provider specializing in domestic, environmental, and large irrigation wells. From well constructions to repairs and closures, we can do them all.
You can rely on our services as we ensure that industry guidelines are followed while working on your site. Get in touch with us to discuss your project in detail.
Our History
Richard and Jan Bombardier began J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership in Cranbrook, British Columbia, in 1989, using an older Chicago Pneumatic drill rig. Within four years, they sold that rig and purchased the first of many new DR (dual-rotary) rigs, a Foremost DR 16. With this technologically advanced equipment, Richard was able to use his unique, forward-thinking, and innovative ideas to quickly grow the company and increase its market share in East and West Kootenay. Contracts included environmental drilling for most of the major engineering companies in BC, working on the Bennett Dam sinkhole project for BC Hydro, placer gold exploration in Northern BC, and dewatering wells, exploration holes, wireline piezometers, and angle hole drilling for the East Kootenay coal mines.
Our Services
Our company's background and experience have been critical in ensuring proper installation and construction of safe, reliable on-site water well and pumping systems throughout Williams Lake. The services include not only water well drilling but geotechnical solutions, municipal and industrial wells, artificial storage, and recharge (ASR) wells (also known as injection wells), geotech drilling, potable wells, large diameter production wells for agriculture, well pump systems, among others.
Efficient Customer Service
At J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership, we provide a safe, efficient, and cost-effective means of satisfying your drilling needs. We have satisfied our home and business customers’ drilling projects with our extensive experience and highly-skilled, licensed operators. Our clients range from rural property owners to developers, and from the mining, oil, and gas industries to geotechnical exploration firms.
We believe the ultimate tribute to a business is a referral from a satisfied customer. J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership has earned each referral by providing proven expertise and equipment through all phases of a drilling project. Read our testimonials page to get a better idea of how we serve our clients. We look forward to providing solutions for your projects, now and in the future.

Expansion into the U.S.
In 1999, J.R. Drilling Ltd. expanded into the U.S. market and, along with three partners, started a drilling company in Southern Arizona: ADT Drilling. Richard broadened his drilling experience in the southern states, including drilling 24-inch diameter flood reverse holes for the Bureau of Reclamation. Richard and Jan expanded within British Columbia by teaming up with Richard’s brother, Don, to establish J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership in the Kamloops area. When Richard and Jan retired in 2005, the Cranbrook branch and the Kamloops branch were sold separately, forming two distinct companies. J.R. Drilling Central hired Richard as a Technical Advisor and Senior Trainer, and we considered ourselves fortunate that he was able to share his vast knowledge of the industry with our team. Richard is fully retired now, but our team of drilling contractors in Williams Lake is continuing to learn and move the company forward.
We remain a small company with Kelly Pelletier being the primary owner.
Company Vision
We will provide our customers with reliable service and innovative drilling solutions that exceed their expectations.

Company Mission Statement
We have two primary goals:
To provide unsurpassed quality and service in the water well drilling industry in the southern interior of British Columbia
To be a sustainable, profitable and innovative company that is the leader in groundwater drilling and exploration
When in need of a drilling contractor in Williams Lake. Whether you need our help with well designs or ground water properties maintenance, we can do them all. J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership is located in Kamloops, but our drilling contractors serve Williams Lake, the surrounding area, and all over British Columbia. Get in Touch or read our FAQs for more information about our water well services today.

Professional Affiliations